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Question Period – June 15, 2011 – Seniors
On June 15, 2011, Alice Wong answered the following question in Question Period regarding Seniors:
Ms. Irene Mathyssen (London—Fanshawe, NDP):
Mr. Speaker, today is Elder Abuse Prevention Day, a time to recognize the abuse many seniors face in our neighbourhoods. Sadly, too many seniors are being physically, sexually and mentally abused by caregivers and loved ones. This should not be a day just to recognize elder abuse, but a day to take action and protect some of our most vulnerable people.
Could the minister tell the House and the seniors across this country why the government allowed the elder abuse awareness initiative to end on March 31, with nothing in its place to protect seniors in our country?
Hon. Alice Wong (Minister of State (Seniors), CPC):
Mr. Speaker, any form of abuse is unacceptable. Our government is committed to supporting seniors by combatting elder abuse in all its forms. That is why we have introduced an extensive awareness campaign to take action on this serious issue. We have also committed additional funds in budget 2011 to further support elder abuse awareness.
Our government is taking action to protect vulnerable seniors and we will continue to work hard to do so.
Mr. Merv Tweed (Brandon—Souris, CPC):
Mr. Speaker, today Canada joins countries around the world to mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and collectively speak out against all forms of abuse.
I would like to ask the minister of state responsible for seniors what the Government of Canada is doing to combat elder abuse.
Hon. Alice Wong (Minister of State (Seniors), CPC):
Mr. Speaker, elder abuse is unacceptable and we as Canadians need to take action against it. Our government is doing just that. Building on the momentum of our elder abuse initiative, budget 2011 provides increased funding to further support elder abuse awareness and we intend to move forward on our Speech from the Throne commitments.
No one deserves to be mistreated or exploited and our government will not tolerate it.
Filed under: Parliament, Seniors