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Alice Wong on Seniors in Question Period
On September 29, 2011 Alice Wong spoke on the subject of Seniors in the House of Commons. The following is a transcript:
Mrs. Stella Ambler (Mississauga South, CPC):
Mr. Speaker, it is important to celebrate what Canadian seniors have done and continue to do for our country. They deserve our gratitude and recognition. That is why the House passed a bill last year to officially establish October 1 as National Seniors Day.
Would the hon. Minister of State for Seniors tell the House what the government has done and continues to do to help seniors?
Hon. Alice Wong (Minister of State (Seniors), CPC):
Mr. Speaker, on October 1 we will recognize the many contributions seniors have made as leaders in strengthening our families and communities.
Our government has a strong record of action to improve the quality of life of seniors, including additional funding for seniors programs and the largest increase in the GIS in a quarter century.
Together let us recognize the many seniors who give so generously of themselves to make this the best country in the world.
Filed under: Parliament