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Question Period – June 15, 2011 – Seniors
On June 15, 2011, Alice Wong answered the following question in Question Period regarding Seniors:
Ms. Irene Mathyssen (London—Fanshawe, NDP):
Mr. Speaker, today is Elder Abuse Prevention Day, a time to recognize the abuse many seniors face in our neighbourhoods. Sadly, too many seniors are being physically, sexually and mentally abused by caregivers and loved ones. This should not be a day just to recognize elder abuse, but a day to take action and protect some of our most vulnerable people.
Could the minister tell the House and the seniors across this country why the government allowed the elder abuse awareness initiative to end on March 31, with nothing in its place to protect seniors in our country?
Hon. Alice Wong (Minister of State (Seniors), CPC):
Mr. Speaker, any form of abuse is unacceptable. Our government is committed to supporting seniors by combatting elder abuse in all its forms. That is why we have introduced an extensive awareness campaign to take action on this serious issue. We have also committed additional funds in budget 2011 to further support elder abuse awareness.
Our government is taking action to protect vulnerable seniors and we will continue to work hard to do so.
Mr. Merv Tweed (Brandon—Souris, CPC):
Mr. Speaker, today Canada joins countries around the world to mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day and collectively speak out against all forms of abuse.
I would like to ask the minister of state responsible for seniors what the Government of Canada is doing to combat elder abuse.
Hon. Alice Wong (Minister of State (Seniors), CPC):
Mr. Speaker, elder abuse is unacceptable and we as Canadians need to take action against it. Our government is doing just that. Building on the momentum of our elder abuse initiative, budget 2011 provides increased funding to further support elder abuse awareness and we intend to move forward on our Speech from the Throne commitments.
No one deserves to be mistreated or exploited and our government will not tolerate it.
Speaking out against world elder abuse
Government of Canada Marks World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
OTTAWA, ONTARIO–(Marketwire – June 15, 2011) – The Government of Canada is joining countries around the world to collectively speak out against elder abuse and mark today as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
“Elder abuse is happening in communities across Canada. It takes many different forms, such as financial exploitation, physical and emotional abuse, and neglect,” said the Honourable Alice Wong, Minister of State (Seniors). “Regardless of the type of elder abuse, it happens far too often.”
“Any form of abuse is unacceptable and should not be tolerated,” added Minister Wong. “We need to create an environment where people will take action against this serious issue.”
Building on the momentum created through the Federal Elder Abuse Initiative, which featured an awareness campaign, the Government of Canada remains active in addressing elder abuse through the New Horizons for Seniors Program. Budget 2011 provides $10 million over two years to increase funding for the New Horizons for Seniors Program. A call for proposals under the program is expected to launch soon. Elder abuse awareness will be included as a funding objective.
The Government of Canada is furthering its commitment to address elder abuse, as the recent Speech from the Throne proposed.
To learn more about the Government of Canada’s initiatives to increase awareness of elder abuse visit, or call 1 800 O-Canada to order a brochure.
This news release is available in alternative formats upon request.
On June 15th, countries around the world mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD). WEAAD was first declared in 2006 by the World Health Organization and the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) to bring attention to the abuse and neglect that older adults experience.
In Budget 2008, the $13 million Federal Elder Abuse Initiative (FEAI) was launched to provide a focused and coordinated federal approach to combat elder abuse by raising awareness and developing resource materials for front-line professionals who provide support and services to seniors. The FEAI successfully concluded on March 31, 2011. The three-year interdepartmental program was led by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and operated in partnership with the Department of Justice, the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
The Government of Canada continues to support elder abuse prevention through the New Horizons for Seniors Program and national and regional projects to raise awareness and combat elder abuse and by improving the knowledge of elder abuse and neglect in Canada.
The Government of Canada is working hard to help improve the lives of seniors on many fronts. These efforts include:
- providing Canadians with an estimated $72 billion this year through Canada’s public pension system, including the Budget 2011 proposed increase to the Guaranteed Income Supplement for Canada’s lowest-income seniors;
- providing $2.3 billion annually in additional tax relief to seniors and pensioners through measures such as pension income splitting and increasing the Age Credit;
- providing $400 million over two years under Canada’s Economic Action Plan for the construction of housing units for low-income seniors;
- appointing a Minister of State (Seniors)—someone who can bring the concerns of older Canadians to the Cabinet table and stand up on their behalf;
- establishing October 1st as National Seniors Day to recognize the significant and ongoing contributions seniors make to families, communities, workplaces and society; and
- creating the National Seniors Council in 2007 to provide advice to the federal government on matters related to the well-being and quality of life of seniors.
For more information on the Government of Canada’s seniors initiatives visit or contact 1 800 O-Canada (1-800-622-6232). For people using a teletypewriter device (TTY), call 1-800-926-91 05.
Taking Action with Budget 2011
Minister Flaherty Introduces the Supporting Vulnerable Seniors and Strengthening Canada’s Economy Act
The Honourable Jim Flaherty, Minister of Finance, today introduced in Parliament Bill C-3, the Supporting Vulnerable Seniors and Strengthening Canada’s Economy Act, which implements key measures from Budget 2011—the Next Phase of Canada’s Economic Action Plan: A Low-Tax Plan for Jobs and Growth.
“While Canada has seen over 560,000 net new jobs created since July 2009 and seven straight quarters of economic growth, too many Canadians are still looking for work and the global economic recovery remains fragile,” said Minister Flaherty. “That is why we need to stay the course with our prudent, low-tax plan with the Supporting Vulnerable Seniors and Strengthening Canada’s Economy Act.”
Among the important measures included in the Act are those to:
Help vulnerable seniors
- Enhancing the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) for seniors who may be at risk of experiencing financial difficulties. This measure will provide a new top-up benefit to more than 680,000 seniors across Canada (up to $600 per year for single seniors and $840 per year
for couples).
Support provinces during the fragile economic recovery
- Supporting provincial front-line delivery of health care and social programs by extending the temporary Total Transfer Protection to 2011–12, representing nearly $1 billion in support to affected provinces.
Encourage young entrepreneurs
- Providing $20 million to help the Canadian Youth Business Foundation.
Enhance federal assistance for part-time students
- Reducing the in-study interest rate for part-time students to zero, bringing them in line with full-time students.
Improve the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)
- Increasing flexibility to access RDSP assets for beneficiaries with shortened life expectancies.
- Ensuring that individuals can appeal, in every case, a determination concerning their eligibility for the Disability Tax Credit.
Support Canada’s veterans
- Providing GST/HST relief for Royal Canadian Legion purchases of Remembrance Day poppies and wreaths.
Maintain Canada’s leadership in genomics research
- Providing $65 million for Genome Canada to launch a new competition in the area of human health, and sustain the operating costs of Genome Canada and Genome Centres.
Reinforce the stability of Canada’s housing finance system
- Strengthening the Government’s oversight of the mortgage insurance industry.
“Canada’s most vulnerable seniors are counting on the GIS top-up to come into effect on July 1, 2011 as promised. This can only happen with the swift passage of the Supporting Vulnerable Seniors and Strengthening Canada’s Economy Act,”added Minister Flaherty.
More details on these and other measures from Budget 2011 are available at
Celebrating Seniors’ week in British Columbia
RICHMOND, BRITISH COLUMBIA–(Marketwire – June 10, 2011) – The Honourable Alice Wong, the newly appointed Minister of State (Seniors), offered her best wishes to seniors across British Columbia in commemorating BC Seniors Week, June 5–11.
“Canada’s seniors have such a positive impact on so many lives, acting as vibrant mentors and leaders,” said Minister of State Wong. “Events such as BC Seniors Week offer us the chance to recognize the many ways they enrich our communities.”
Minister of State Wong, Member of Parliament for Richmond, was appointed to the federal cabinet on May 18 2011, as the advocate for seniors’ issues in the Government of Canada.
To ensure the well-being and high quality of life for seniors who have given much to the province and the country, the federal government is working with Canada’s seniors, and its provincial and territorial counterparts.
“On May 2nd, our government was given a strong mandate to ensure that our priorities reflect Canadians’ values and what matters most to Canadians. This means standing up for those who helped build Canada,” added Minister of State Wong.
We appreciate the occasion to celebrate BC Seniors Week and also look forward to the recently established National Seniors Day, to be celebrated every year on October 1st.
This news release is available in alternative formats on request.
For further information (media only):
Robert Lynch
Director of Communications
Office of Minister Wong
(819) 953-1144
Media Relations Office
Human Resources and
Skills Development Canada
Question Period – June 7, 2011 – Seniors
On June 7, 2011, Alice Wong answered the following question in Question Period regarding Seniors:
Hon. Judy Sgro (York West, Lib.):
Mr. Speaker, after months of talk about the difficulties facing seniors throughout Canada, I am clearly disappointed in budget 2011. The $1.67 a day for the poorest of the poor and non-refundable tax credits just do not cut it.
Given the increases on gas, hydro, food, et cetera, it is making it very difficult for people to cope on a day-to-day basis and stay in their homes. I heard this on the doorsteps in Toronto, but clearly the Conservatives did not.
Where is the vision, the plan to make a difference in the lives of seniors? Do they not deserve better? Are they just going–
The Speaker:
The hon. parliamentary secretary.
Hon. Alice Wong (Minister of State (Seniors), CPC):
Mr. Speaker, since this is my first time to rise in the House, I would like to thank the voters of Richmond for voting me back in with 58.4%.
I would like to correct the member on some facts.
With the next phase of the economic action plan we are enhancing the GIS in the new horizons program. We are also ensuring the strength of the retirement income system and introducing a new family caregiver tax credit. In fact, when asked about these measures, CARP’s Vice President of Advocacy said that their members are “happy and thrilled with these issues–
Richmond – Focus on Seniors Expo
May 28, 2011 ― The Honourable Alice Wong, Minister of State (Seniors), participated at the opening ceremonies of the Richmond Focus on Seniors Expo. Two pictures attached:
Alice Wong supports the home team!
The following picture was taken on June 1 of Prime Minister Stephen Harper and most of the BC Caucus, supporting the Vancouver Canucks and their quest to the Stanley Cup!
On more parliamentary matters, the government caucus had their inaugural meeting on June 1. The election for the Speaker of the House is on June 2, and the Throne Speech by Governor General David Johnston is on June 3, and the budget presentation by Finance Minister Jim Flaherty will be on June 6.
Minister of State (Seniors)
On May 18, 2011, Alice Wong was sworn into the privy council and appointed into cabinet as the Minister of State (Seniors). The following is a picture taken at Rideau Hall, with Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Governor General David Johnston in the background.
Status of the 41st Parliament
A Proclamation has been received from His Excellency the Governor General which summons Parliament to meet for the dispatch of business at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, June 2, 2011. The order of business in the House of Commons will be the election of the Speaker. The Speech from the Throne is expected to be delivered by the Governor General on Friday, June 3, 2011.
For information on the Speakership and the Opening of Parliament, please consult the “Speaker and Other Presiding Officers” and “Parliamentary Cycle” sections of the Compendium of House of Commons Procedure.
The general election was held on Monday, May 2, 2011. Election results remain unofficial until the Chief Electoral Officer has confirmed the name of the Member of Parliament elected for each riding by transmitting certificates of election to the Clerk of the House of Commons. The last scheduled day for the return of the writs being Monday, May 23, 2011, the official list of elected Members is expected to be available beginning on Tuesday, May 24, 2011. In the meantime, the unofficial list of Members of Parliament is available from the Library of Parliament. A list of election candidates and unofficial election results is also provided for your convenience.
Alice Wong can be reached at the following phone numbers:
Richmond Office:
Phone: 604-775-5790 / 1-877-775-5790 (toll-free)
Fax: 604-775-6291
Ottawa Office:
Phone: 613-995-2021
Fax: 613-995-2174
March 26: Parliament Dissolved
On the advice of the Prime Minister, the Governor General, by proclamation on Saturday, March 26, 2011, dissolved the Fortieth Parliament and gave instructions to issue writs of election. Monday, May 2nd, 2011 has been set as the polling day.
As such, this website will not be maintained until after May 2, 2011.