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Inter-cultural and Inter-faith events
Government of Canada Invites Funding Applications for Intercultural and Interfaith Events
VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA–(Aug. 11, 2010) – Inter-Action, Canada’s new Multiculturalism Grants and Contributions Program, is now accepting applications to fund events that promote interaction among cultural and religious communities, Senator Yonah Martin and Dr. Alice Wong, Parliamentary Secretary for Multiculturalism, announced today on behalf of Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
“The Government of Canada is acting to help individuals and communities build a strong, integrated society,” said Senator Martin. “Through Inter-Action, we will support activities that contribute to a deeper understanding of our shared Canadian values and civic pride.”
Activities eligible for funding through Inter-Action’s Events stream include:
* Community events celebrating the historic contributions of a particular ethnic, cultural or religious group, including events that support such initiatives as Asian Heritage Month and Black History Month;
* Youth events celebrating citizenship, organized by a coalition of ethnic, cultural or faith-based groups within a community;
* Sporting or musical events involving various ethnic, cultural or faith-based communities;
* Interfaith dialogues that bring together local representatives from Canada’s religious groups;
* Public education events that foster intercultural and interfaith understanding, civic memory, civic pride and respect for core democratic values
“We are looking for innovative proposals for events that will encourage interaction among cultural and faith communities,” Dr. Wong said. “Through Canada’s new Multiculturalism Grants and Contributions Program, we are investing in Canada’s future — a future that depends on intercultural understanding and equal opportunity for people of all cultures and faiths.”
For additional information about Inter-Action, including details on how to apply for funding, please visit CIC’s website.
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Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Minister’s Office
Alykhan Velshi
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Communications Branch
Media Relations
Community Historical Recognition Program Grant – UBC
The following is a press release from the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration:
Government of Canada supports Chinese-Canadian historical recognition project —
Multi-year initiative aims to preserve knowledge of Chinese-Canadian legacy
Vancouver, BC, August 9, 2010 – Citizenship and Immigration Canada will fund the University of British Columbia’s (UBC) efforts to preserve and share the history of Chinese-Canadians by various means, including archiving project materials prepared under the Community Historical Recognition Program (CHRP). Dr. Alice Wong, Parliamentary Secretary to the Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism and Member of Parliament for Richmond, made the announcement today.
“The Community Historical Recognition Program has funded many projects that tell the story of the Chinese community in Canada, and how it has persevered, thrived and contributed to the building of our country,” Dr. Wong said. “Now, through the UBC project, the community’s proud history will be preserved for the benefit of all Canadians.”
UBC will receive $900,000 for a 25-month project to gather all of the materials created or collected through other Chinese-Canadian CHRP projects. The project will create:
o A website on the history of the Chinese community in Canada;
o A digital archive, housed at UBC, accessible across Canada;
o Learning resources for students based on the archived projects;
o Three ‘Mobile Museum’ kiosks
“Through this project, we will ensure that all Canadians, now and into the future, have access to the work of those organizations that have completed historical recognition projects,” said Stephen Owen, UBC’s Vice President External, Legal and Community Relations. “We welcome the support of the Government of Canada toward UBC’s goals of promoting intercultural understanding and expanding knowledge through new technologies.”
“I urge all of the organizations who have participated in the program to work with UBC to ensure the success of this project,” added Parliamentary Secretary Wong.
Announced in June 2006 by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and formally launched in May 2008 by Minister Kenney, the CHRP is a grants and contributions program that funds community commemorative and educational projects related to Canadian historical wartime measures and immigration restrictions. For more information about the program, please visit our website.
For further information (media only), please contact:
Alykhan Velshi, Media Relations
Minister’s Office Communications Branch
Citizenship and Immigration Canada Citizenship and Immigration Canada
A gentle reminder on the Budget 2011 Consultation
As mentioned previously, the Standing Committee on Finance is taking submissions for the Budget 2011 consultation. The deadline is August 13, 2010, so please submit your comments in before this deadline.
Ottawa, June 17, 2010 –
Today, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance is inviting Canadians to participate in its annual pre-budget consultation process. The 2010 consultations will result in a report to be tabled in the House of Commons in late fall 2010, and the suggestions by Canadians as well as the recommendations by the Committee will be considered by the Minister of Finance in the development of the 2011 federal budget.
“This year, like in previous years, Canadians are invited to participate in this very important process. The federal budget is important to all Canadians, and the suggestions received by the Committee during its annual pre-budget consultation process are a critically important contribution to the development of the budget. On behalf of all Committee members, I invite you to share your budget priorities with us,” said Mr. James Rajotte, M.P., Chair of the House Finance Committee.
Interested individuals and groups should submit a written brief not exceeding five pages, in either English or French, to the Committee Clerk no later than August 13, 2010. These briefs will be translated and distributed to Finance Committee members. Briefs can be submitted electronically to or can be mailed to:
Jean-François Pagé, Clerk
Standing Committee on Finance
6-14 131 Queen Street
House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6
Beginning in September, the Committee will hold hearings in Ottawa and in designated Canadian cities. For these hearings, an invitation will be extended by the Committee Clerk, on behalf of Committee members, to selected individuals and groups. Those invited to make a presentation to the Committee should expect to be contacted by the Committee Clerk no later than the last week of September.
In particular, the Committee anticipates that its schedule will be:
– Surrey, British Columbia: September 27, 2010
– Kamloops, British Columbia: September 28, 2010
– Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: September 29 and 30, 2010
– London, Ontario: October 18 and 19, 2010
– Lebel-sur-Quévillon, Québec: October 20, 2010
– Saint John’s, Newfoundland: October 21
Statement on racist graffiti in Richmond
Ottawa, July 30, 2010 – The Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, issued the following statement regarding the racist graffiti left in a Richmond, B.C., shopping mall parkade on July 21:
“Like many Canadians, I was saddened and appalled to learn about this act of vandalism targeting members of Canada’s Chinese community”, Minister Kenney said.
“In Canadian society, individuals are free, within the confines of our law and consistent with our traditions of democracy and freedom of expression, to speak their mind,” said The Honourable Vic Toews, Minister of Public Safety. “The scrawling of racial slurs, however, is a hateful and hurtful act of vandalism, and cannot be tolerated. Such a cowardly act of intimidation has absolutely no place in Canada”, Minister Toews added.
Alice Wong, Parliamentary Secretary for Multiculturalism, added: “Ours is a harmonious society that embraces diversity and finds strength, stability and unity in the coming together of the many cultures and faiths of the world. Those who seek to disrupt the multicultural nature of our society through bigotry and intolerance must be denounced.”
“As Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, I call on all Canadians to reject intolerance. All forms of racism, bigotry and vandalism are unacceptable and completely contrary to Canada’s fundamental values of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law”, Minister Kenney said.
August 28, 2010 MP’s BBQ in the Park!
(Update on August 27, 2010: According to Weather Canada, Saturday will have a high of 21 degrees, and be mostly sunny. The description for the day is: “Clearing in the morning. High 21.” Don’t let Friday’s rains get to you! See you there!)
Alice Wong will be hosting a BBQ on August 28, 2010 at West Richmond Community Center (in Hugh Boyd Park, roughly at No. 1 and Francis) from 12:00 to 3:00pm.
A parking map is here (click for more detail):
Hope to see you there!
Funding a Hovercraft in Richmond
The following is a joint release from the offices of John Cummins, MP (Delta-Richmond East) and Alice Wong, MP (Richmond) regarding the funding of a new hovercraft to be stationed on Sea Island and operated by the Coast Guard in Richmond.
Ottawa – “The Budget set aside $27.3 million for a new state-of-the-art hovercraft to be stationed at the Coast Guard base at Sea Island in Richmond, adjacent to the airport,” said Alice Wong, M.P. (Richmond)
“This is great news for recreational boaters, commercial mariners, the Vancouver airport and all who rely on the Coast Guard hovercraft should trouble occur. I have been fighting for a new hovercraft for almost a decade and am delighted by the news,” said John Cummins, M.P. (Delta-Richmond East).
Hovercraft must be available on a 24-7 basis to affect marine rescues of boats in trouble and most importantly to be available to assist in the rescue of those aboard passenger jets that might be forced to ditch on the shallows and mudflats off the airport runway. There are no other craft or vessels that can so effectively operate in shallow water or on the mudflats when the tide is out.
Hovercraft are high performance craft requiring almost constant maintenance. In order to maintain 24-7 coverage two hovercraft are required, due to down times for maintenance or when a vessel is deployed elsewhere.
There are currently two hovercraft operating out of Sea Island.
The new craft will replace the Penac, a European vessel constructed in 1984 which was purchased, and converted from a passenger vessel to a Search-and-Rescue craft by the CCG in 2004. Upgrades extended the life of the vessel, but the operational capacity was still limited because of the restrictions associated with the original design.
“When I raised the issue of the limitations of the PENAC and the need for replacement with the Prime Minister in mid 2009, he was very supportive of the need to acquire a new state-of-the-art hovercraft capable of operating in all weather and sea conditions,” said Cummins.
“Both the Prime Minister and the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans deserve credit for finding the $27.3 million for the acquisition of a replacement for the PENAC at a time of spending restraint,” noted Wong.
Contact: John Cummins, M.P. (613) 992-2957, (cell) (604) 970-0937, (604) 940-8040
Alice Wong, M.P. (613) 995-2012
Multiculturalism – Inter-Action Program
The Inter-Action Projects stream provides funding for long-term, multi-year community development/engagement projects to promote integration. Applications are usually considered during a Call for Proposals (CFP) process.
The Call for Proposals, under the Inter-Action Projects stream, is now open!
For more information, see:
* Call for Proposals – Inter-Action (Projects)
* Funding Guidelines – Inter-Action (Projects)
* General Application Form
Completed applications must be sent both by regular mail and electronically to the appropriate regional or national office by October 15, 2010, 11:59 PM EST.
Supporting Local Sports in Richmond
Government of Canada Supports 2010 Yonex Canada Open Grand Prix of Badminton
RICHMOND, BRITISH COLUMBIA–(July 16, 2010) – On behalf of the Honourable Gary Lunn, Minister of State (Sport), the Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, today confirmed the federal government’s contribution to Badminton Canada in support of the 2010 Yonex Canada Open Grand Prix of Badminton, which runs from July 13 to 18 in Richmond, British Columbia.
“The Government of Canada is proud to support the 2010 Yonex Canada Open Grand Prix of badminton, which will once again showcase our world-class Richmond Oval,” said Minister Kenney. “By bringing together the world’s best players, this event will provide participants and spectators alike with an outstanding opportunity to enjoy the highest level of badminton competition.”
“I am happy to support the 2010 Yonex Canada Open Grand Prix of Badminton and would like to thank all the volunteers for their tireless work in making this a successful event,” said Alice Wong, Member of Parliament (Richmond). “Physical activity and participation in sport is a high priority for Richmond residents. It’s what keeps us healthy in mind and body!”
“The 2010 Yonex Canada Open Grand Prix will be the highest-level badminton tournament ever held in Canada, and Badminton Canada is excited to be partnering with the Richmond Oval,” said Kyle Hunter, Executive Director of Badminton Canada. “The support of Sport Canada’s Hosting Program has been a vital component of Badminton Canada’s event-hosting activities.”
The Government of Canada believes that participation in sport is part of a healthy lifestyle and contributes to a healthy society. Hosting international sport events gives Canada the opportunity to showcase our country to athletes and spectators from all over the world.
The Government of Canada is the single largest contributor to sport in Canada and supports participation and excellence from the playground to the podium. A contribution of $15,000 was provided to the 2010 Yonex Canada Open Grand Prix through Sport Canada’s Hosting Program.
Office of the Honourable Gary Lunn, P.C., M.P.
Minister of State (Sport)
Vanessa Schneider – Director of Communications
Canadian Heritage
Media Relations
Richmond – Service Canada Youth Fair
Richmond, BC – The Richmond Service Canada Centre for Youth (SCCY) hosted a Youth Fair on July 14, 2010. The Youth Fair took place at Lansdowne Shopping Centre in Richmond, BC.
The Honourable Alice Wong, Parliamentary Secretary for Multiculturalism and Member of Parliament for Richmond, welcomed employers and youth to the Youth Fair.
“Employment empowers our youth with a strong work ethic and provides valuable job experience for their future careers”, said Alice Wong, MP of Richmond. Wong continued, “I am happy to support the Youth Fair and the promotion of valuable skills in young people to help them find employment.”
The SCCY Youth Fair allowed local youth to connect with employers, community organizations and post secondary institutions. Youth also had the chance to interact with their peers and learn about Government of Canada programs and services, wage rates and health and safety in the workplace.
“The Youth Fair provided youth with valuable information and networking opportunities” said Gigi Yu, Youth Services Officer. “The presence of entertainers and guest speakers made the event enjoyable and attracted many bystanders to take part in the event”.
Service Canada Centres for Youth link youth and employers. The Centres provide young people with job postings, interview advice, résumé building and job search strategies and employers with a location to post job openings. SCCYs also provide valuable information on health and safety in the workplace.
Employers interested in using our services and youth looking for summer employment can visit the Richmond SCCY between 8:30 am – 4:00 pm at #350-5611 Cooney Road, Richmond, BC, call 604-273-6431 ext.222, fax 604-666-3367, or e-mail Job postings are available online at, under “Student/Youth Job Search”, “British Columbia”, and “Vancouver/Surrey/Fraser Valley, and then “Richmond.” For more information on Service Canada services for Youth, call 1 800 O-Canada or visit
Canadian Health Measures Survey
The Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS), a partnership between Statistics Canada, Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada, will help address longstanding limitations in Canada’s health information system. The CHMS is collecting health information that cannot be otherwise captured about Canadians or that may be inaccurately reported through self-report questionnaires or health care records.
The mobile clinic will visit 16 sites across Canada between 2009 and 2011, collecting data from approximately 360 participants per site.
The eighth collection will take place in the region of Richmond, British Columbia. All survey participants will be drawn from the cities of Richmond and Delta.
The mobile clinic will be located in the parking lot of the Richmond Curling Club in Richmond during the collection period from mid-July until the end of August 2010.
For more information, contact Renée Langlois at 613-951-0878 or or visit
You can also view the brochure by clicking here.